Nutrition, Cooking and Food Science Program

Meals at Academics PreKindergarten are an integral part of our program and included in the fees. Breakfast, lunch, and snack are made fresh on site by our chefs. Our chefs strive to provide excellent nutrition for our students, creating a lifelong habit of preferring a healthy, nutritional diet. Our chef’s participate in food science programs and educate our students on nutrition and basic cooking skills in the classroom.

Students are exposed to different foods, flavours and textures and explore nutrition. Topics covered include how food is produced, cultivated and eventually ends up on our plates, feeding themselves, table manners and understanding when our bodies are hungry and when they are full.

Motor Skill Development

The development of physical skills such as core trunk control and shoulder strength, providing a stable base that builds confidence, physical strength, posture, and form. Finer motor skills are also practiced such as finger and hand activities that include writing, cutting, opening boxes and cans and tying shoelaces. 

Social Emotional Development

Watching a child’s social and emotional development is one of our greatest joys! From birth through the preschool years, children become their own unique person as they develop socially and emotionally and achieve certain milestones.

  • BABY: By age 2, a child will imitate the behavior of others, but also start to recognize himself or herself as separate. Children will show ‘stranger’ anxiety, a preference for comfort objects, people and certain toys and understand the meaning of a developing repertoire of common words and phrases. They may show frustration in trying to communicate and make an effort to share. These children will engage in simple pretend play and engage in parallel play with peers. 
  • PREK 1: After age 2 children should enjoy the company of other children and look forward to playing with them. They are expressing a wider range of emotion. They play with others in cooperative play. They separate from their primary caregivers with more confidence and ease. They use words to communicate. They share with others.
  • PREK 2: After age 3 children should be able to play simple games, take turns, and recognize concepts such as “yours” and “mine.” They can express themselves and communicate with others. They can work out conflicts with peers. They like to help others.
  • PREK 3: After age 4 children should play interactively with others. Play may start to involve fantasy and games that have made-up rules. Children are developing self-control to negotiate through conflicts and can use tools to regulate their emotions. They enjoy cooperating with others, show sensitivity towards others’ feelings and enjoy activities such as singing, dancing, and acting.

Academics PreKindergarten ensures our students begin to experience and understand Empathy. This includes how emotions are often shared, e.g., if you feel scared, it makes me feel scared, the ability to reason regarding another’s perspective and wanting or needing help through feeling sympathy and concern for others.

Self Care

Self-Care skills are the everyday tasks that allow people to be ready to participate in their own lives. These include dressing, eating, cleaning teeth and toileting. These are typically supported by adults for very young children, it encourages confidence as it is important that children develop independence as they mature.